In the vast landscape of spiritual endeavors, the concept of Sangha holds a profound significance. Sangha, a Sanskrit word, can be described as a fellowship, community or collection, it is essentially the company you keep. Rooted in various traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, Sikhism, Sangha refers to a community of practitioners who come together to support each other on their spiritual journeys. Beyond mere gatherings, Sangha embodies a shared commitment to growth on a dedicated path, philosphy, dharma and practice, and share a common goal and worldview.

At the deepest level, members of a sangha recognize the unity of their shared experience, honor the dedication and are inspired to continue the spiritual practice. They share values as well as expanded states of consciousness. They support each other in the clearing process and guide each other through the dark night of the soul.


Our civilization, our culture, has been characterized by individualism. The individual wants to be free from the society, from the family. The individual does not think he or she needs to take refuge in the family or in the society, and thinks that they can be free and happy without a sangha. That is why we do not have solidity, we do not have harmony, we do not have the communication that we so need.

Our modern society creates so many young people without roots. They are uprooted from their families and their society; they wander around, not quite human beings, because they do not have roots. Quite a number of them come from broken families and feel rejected by society. They live on the margins, looking for a home, for something to belong to. They are like trees without roots. For these people, it’s very difficult to practice. A tree without roots cannot absorb anything; it cannot survive. Even if they practice intensively for ten years, it’s very hard for them to be transformed if they remain an island, if they cannot establish a link with other people.


At the heart of Sangha lies fellowship— a sense of belonging to a community that shares common aspirations and values. In the often solitary path of spiritual growth, Sangha provides a refuge where individuals can find understanding, empathy, and encouragement. The mutual support within Sangha acts as a stabilizing force, offering solace during times of doubt and celebration during moments of breakthrough. Whether through formal meetings, retreats, or informal gatherings, Sangha fosters an environment of genuine connection where members can freely express themselves without fear of judgment.


Within the Sangha, individuals often find a safe and non-judgmental space where they can express themselves authentically. This includes expressing aspects of their identity, spiritual interests and experiences, as well as sexuality, without fear of condemnation or ostracization. By fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding, the Sangha encourages individuals to explore and embrace their authentic selves, free from societal pressures and norms.


Humans are relational beings, even the introverts and misanthropes among us. we are designed to live in relation to others and so Sangha is basic necessity. It’s not a crutch! It’s been the nature of our way of being in the world since our tribal roots. We are social, communal creatures. We are connected, none of us stands alone. We are like redwoods whose network of roots support each other close to the surface of the forest floor. A tree standing alone is more prone to fall due to winds than the one in deep forest. We have a natural tendency to live in society. We establish “one-to-one” relationships with others and form bonds with social groups to which we belong. Interpersonal relationships involve reciprocal knowledge, attraction, communication, dialogue and the possibility of collaboration or cooperation.

Human relations are the testing ground for ones practice and development in real time, they are not only tools for karmic clearing but also provide us with a feedback of our own level of maturity and wisdom. The presence and positive support of other people is what helps us fulfill our aspirations – and form those aspirations to begin with. Relations speed up the the emotional & mental purification process forcing us to open up and come out of the closet, to be seen, and hone our capacity to love more deeply and unconditionally.


Sangha as karmic relationship is also about seeing others. This is another part that is really important – to open to other people, to see who they are and start to recognize how practice works in their lives, how samadhi states and dharma is expressed in who they are. We recognize other ways of practice and how awakening manifests in other people. When we do that, in some way those things become accessible to us. When we’re in non-opposition to the differences in others, in some way we have access to it, we are informed by it.

Within the Sangha, diverse experiences and perspectives converge, creating a rich tapestry of wisdom. Through dialogue, discussion, and shared practices, members have the opportunity to learn from each other’s insights and challenges. This collective wisdom transcends individual limitations, offering new perspectives and deeper understanding of spiritual teachings. Moreover, Sangha provides a space for mentorship, where seasoned practitioners guide and inspire those who are new to the path. By drawing upon the collective reservoir of knowledge, Sangha becomes a dynamic source of learning and growth for all its members.


In the pursuit of spiritual goals, discipline plays a crucial role in maintaining focus and commitment. Sangha acts as a supportive structure that reinforces accountability and discipline among its members. Through shared rituals, commitments, and ethical guidelines, individuals are held accountable for their actions and intentions. This collective accountability serves as a gentle reminder to stay aligned with one’s values and aspirations, even in the face of challenges and distractions. Moreover, the presence of a supportive community provides the strength and resilience needed to navigate the inevitable obstacles encountered along the spiritual path. If you’re surrounded by positive, healthy people, it’s whole lot easier to avoid negative behaviors like abusing drugs or wallowing in depression. No matter how convinced we are that more exercise would be good for us, most of us find it easier to actually do it if we attend a yoga class or join a gym.



The presence of a sangha is a wonderful opportunity to allow the collective energy of teachers to penetrate into our body and expand our consciousness. This collective field of shakti has several benifits such as initiating the flow of the kundalini, speeding up the kundalini process, smoothening and aligning if the energy has become wayward or if its flowing through incorrect channels, balancing the flow if it has become unmanagable, and clearing blockages which restric the flow of energy. When we entrust ourselves to this field of the sangha the way a drop of water allows itself to be in a river, the collective energy of consciousness comes into resonance with our own limited flow. Although we can rely on the prana shakti that is generated by our personal practice, sometimes it is not enough. One must know how to use the limited pranic energy we cultivate throug personal effort in order to access the vast limitless reservoir of the sangha and the field of gurus for true everlasting transformation and healing.

Sangha serves as a custodian of spiritual lineage and tradition, preserving ancient teachings and practices for future generations. Through the continuity of oral transmission, rituals, and community rituals, Sangha ensures the perpetuation of spiritual wisdom across time and space. By participating in the rituals and ceremonies of the Sangha, individuals become part of a living tradition that spans generations. This connection to lineage instills a sense of reverence and continuity, anchoring practitioners in the rich tapestry of spiritual heritage.


In essence, Sangha embodies the spirit of interconnectedness, the recognition that our individual paths are intimately woven into the fabric of community and collective evolution. In cultivating Sangha, we not only enrich our own spiritual practice but also contribute to the flourishing of a community bound by a shared commitment to awakening. Thus, let us honor and cherish the importance of Sangha, recognizing it as a sacred refuge on the path to liberation, especially for those of us who feel vulnerable, confused and unstable. That is why we bring you this new virtual platform, so you can become part of our sangha. Allow this Sangha to transport you, like a boat carries one across the ocean of unclarity, to peace and the joy of togetherness.