Vaani Devi, Shaktipat Acharya

Let’s Reach Your Goals Together

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With great reverence for scriptures and teaching methodologies towards yoga, Mauna emphasises understanding beyond the intellect. To rest with life as whole and to know Yoga not as method but as being itself. She finds guidance and creative flow through the innermost space of Mauna or Silence, where words can only point, but never reach.

Perhaps it has been through those familiar moments of childhood distortions that has invited the greatest light of the inner sanctuary. Mauna MA (Mother Silence) has become the underlying penetrative language, and boundless ocean where Alexandra ceases, and Mauna shines.  The seeds of circumstance brought deep observation into her childhood mind, and a fundamental questioning of reality became a cardinal companion early on. She recognised in the mystical moments and experiences, Grace through suffering.

As the inner quest grew stronger, and the mundane world began to unveil, presence and spiritual nectars were experienced. Shlokas and texts from Advaitic masters became a deep friendship, in which she was recognising a peace beyond words, further sparking the transcendental nature of experiencing. Initiation later took place in person, setting forth a vigorous inner-outer unfoldment.

Leading up to the meeting of Advaitashram, texts or poetry appeared to manifest without mental exercise, participation or effort, and had continued to outpour in greater velocity after their divine meeting (melting point).

Beyond her day job, She is a trained chef, specialising in the holistic, plant-based kitchen. She teaches/practices Yoga asana and philosophy and gladly shares culinary creativity as a way of inviting awareness and Bhakti.

“In the completely open and relaxed nature of mind, a most sacred stream seek its way towards us, floods us from within, and reach so deeply into the cavity of our hearts, that one finds oneself neither hollow nor full. Only river is found. And otherness reflect as sunlit waves in the current of this only moment.”

Some words about About Yog Asana:

“That which dawns and ascends within as freedom in unity is the all-embracing yoga. To support the aim of such unity, body and mind can benefit much by learning feel open, strong and balanced. The lesser contraction held in our mechanism, the more open we are to the flow of the present moment.

Whether we are are dealing with dis-ease, a busy mind or cultivating joy or a healthier lifestyle, the moment we step onto the mat we are invited to be here now. Though our experiences differ, the invitation is always the same; to be with what is. My experience of Yoga is that all modern branches of it can be a tremendous aid to support the balance and mental -and physical ease needed for us to be present with life. To live in Yoga (Unity), is the root of inner peace and joy.

..For me, physical practice is without a future goal. Learning to relax when tension appears or residing inner own inner centre while our bodies cycle to cause and effect, we can even in stillness experience Hatha Yoga, never stagnant and always fruitful.”

My Philosophy

Harnessing Your Potential

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"Quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque. Quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus."

Juanita Moran

"In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit."

Kason Espinosa

"Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet. In non pulvinar purus curabitur nisi odio vel."

Axel Farrow

Sessions Offered 

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