Religious movements have in most cases a background of philosophy that through time develops into a school of thought and further on becomes a system where God is authority and the system he provides must be meticulously followed for salvation.
Even though there might be some common ground of understanding through some parts within religious teaching, systems of organized religion possess a tremendous history of spiritual division among its people while advocating the long, hard struggle towards God.
“A man is by instinct a religious being; there is a natural yearning in him for something that is not of his sensual or intellectual pleasures, but for something beyond” -Vishnu Tirtha
Mahāyoga is a direct-realization path of non dual understanding where inclusion of human diversion is embraced and the only real exclusion lies as the dispelling of you believing yourself to be something lesser than God’s Self. The teachings of mahāyoga, also called Siddha yoga largely consists of immersion into the depth of your own consciousness, using the grace of shaktipat-diksha as vehicle. Shaktipat is a transmission of energy from a siddha guru/ jivanmukta to an aspirant. It activates the kundalini shakti from its coiled base at the moolhadhar chakra and brings forth the path of realization for the aspirant. The initiator with his or hers compassionate action embodies the undivided field of awareness smittening the aspirant to start resonating within the same field of oneness, not always known to the aspirant. The goal of this awakened potential is for the aspirant to realize himself and to become equally established as their own gurudev, undivided and whole.
“We are finally reborn as human beings. If we miss our opportunity, the cycle repeats itself. Go deep into your soul now!” -Swami Muktananda
Becoming aware is a much peculiar thing since the cusp of experiencing your awareness is to become aware of awareness itself. This is where becoming stops and you are awareness, unbound stillness beyond your individual experience, immersed in Self.
Through shaktipat the aspirant experience samadhi, which is immersion into Self and dissolution of the personal “I am-ness” into non-dual isness.
When the grace of shaktipat has entered your being, you have to give yourself the possibility of divine kundalini to rise until it’s fulfillment. The active kundalini will give the aspirant potential to completely devote himself to its fruition. It is my experience that love, self-inquiry and gratitude have been both fruits of kundalini rising and the letting into its flow. Grace is ever flowing but the individual need to embody surrender to its flow. A sort of giving up the grip of ego and letting shakti take her seat in the heart of the aspirant until the “I am” plunges back into its source and the whole of the aspirant becomes indivisible from kundalini shakti.
Like a wave of sound, the individual rises as a curve of its own being. Expressing itself as form yet never departed from its silent foundation, which is ever present.
To recognize the meaning of the fullness of empty or the silence of sound, recognize that through the grace of initiation you are now a sādhaka, and your sadhana is to become sadhan, effortlessly bringing you to realization if you can truly allow. Know that through initiation the manifested guru became part of you, and that as much as you are alone you are also held. But it is for you to find the source of the one who holds you. Through kundalini activation, you will get to know kundalini as a great purifier, working in ways intimately perfect for just you. Remember that this is expression and manifestation of love, let yourself fall in love, as love, through love, to love which is union. Remember the power of grace that is now within you and let yourself be held when your journey to knowing is experienced as a struggle.
Guru Om!