Pratybhijna Hridayam  

Pratybhijna Hridayam  

The Essence of Self-Realization This short work of only 20 aphorisms contains the essence of Self-realization. It is a small but very important work in Kashmir Shaivism. It was written by Ksemaraja in the tenth century. 1) The Shakti of the Absolute Self (Chiti) in...
The 46 slokas of Drg-Drsya-Viveka

The 46 slokas of Drg-Drsya-Viveka

ADVAITA VEDANTA The Dŗg-Dŗśya-Viveka contains 46 slokas performing an inquiry into the distinction between the “seer” (Dŗg) and the “seen” (Dŗśya),an overview of samadhi, centering on savikalpa and nirvikalpa, and the identity of Atman and Brahman. 1. All objects are...
Spanda Karikas

Spanda Karikas

A “kārikā” is a collection of explanations about a philosophical subject. The subjects at hand being Spanda, which is a technical term for the divine throb or vibration out of which everything arises and which permeates everything. Spanda is the dynamic aspect of...