Inhale deep into and from the base of the spine, the perineum, and simultaneously feel/ sense/ know/ visualize/ imagine the energy of breath, pranic life force, spiral up the spine like a helical vortex. It is as if you are pulling charged awareness through the base and making it fountain up the length of the body.
During the exhale you may feel the energetic pressure built up around either the heart, throat or head. Let this pressure dissolve as you move awareness through it and allow the energy to exit and fountain out of the crown. For this to happen smoothly, you must completely let go the built up pressure during the exhale and merge within the flow of the energy as it blossoms like a lotus out through the crown. This can be felt or sensed as awareness radiating in all directions from the center of the skull.
The deeper you can let go and merge with the flow of the energy, the more intense the flow and radiance will become. Before the energy is clearly felt as a flow do not get discouraged, instead imagine/visualize/know that the energy is flowing up through the body. Intention and attention will direct the flow and it will grow in intensity. It may also be that there is never a sense or feeling at all, which indicates the flux of awareness is circulating unhindered without resistance. The energy is felt only where there are dense blocks, if there is nothing stopping the flow, one may not feel anything, just a sense shifting awareness through the body and spine.
This practice moves the Light of Awareness or Inonised Spinal fluids or Transmuted Sexual life force or Charged Pranic Breath (However one may perceive Kundalini in the body-mind complex) through the subtle chakra system, reorients the energetic flow to clear disturbances and Karmic blocks.
The above two techniques can help to balance a flow that has been out of its toroidal equilibrium, In advanced stages the flow becomes a self regulating pattern. The speed of the circulation is increased as there are lesser resistances and it becomes a continuous effortless meditation.