Muladhara Chakra and Brahma Granthi
Mula bandha keeps the energy flowing between the body and the earth in a non-dual direction (neither only up and in, nor exclusively down and out).
When the apana (the downward moving, cooling, and purifying energy) that normally moves within the ida nadi (left psychic nerve channel) is synchronized with the prana (the upward moving energizing and activating energy) that normally moves through the pingala nadi (right psychic nerve),
then the unification/integration that connects the earth energy of embodied existence (at the muladhara) with the unborn formless realm of sky (at the crown of the head) occurs in perfect balance (sattva) allowing the healing energy to flow in the sushumna nadi (central psychic nerve).
The muladhara chakra is where dormant potential of the human animal power resides; and it is from here the kundalini becomes activated and enters into the central channel (sushumna) connecting with and activating the super-conscious network for living embodiment.
Mulabandha, once mastered, is designed to keep this energy flowing in this region free from distraction and dissipation. Indeed, when the mulabandha is lost, our grounded feeling of centeredness in the body and the planet becomes lost or distorted.
Our physical mode becomes somewhat dysfunctional and clouded, lacking vitality, vividness, true conviction, and inspiration.

Through mulabandha, the perineal space becomes subtly indented, domed upward, soft, and capable of being drawn in and up simultaneously with the lift of the torso off the stabilized pelvic base.
This also creates an open/empty space for the front of the pubic bone and sacrum to move toward each other. For the male it occurs as an inward and upward lifting or draw at the space about one inch superior to the perineal floor, the pelvis forms as a stable base, and the torso lifts.
It is similar for the female except that the bottom of the action occurs higher up near the cervix being drawn up and in to use bony parts as reference points. The motion is more energetic in nature than physical and is perfected when the point immediately above the genitals (at the bottom of the pubic symphysis and the point directly posterior to the genitals (the anterior portion of the perineum) are brought together toward each other and connected.
That forms a bottom cup, lift, and support preventing outward flow (dissipation). This stabilizes the entire pelvis and spine.
The actual bandha does not require strength in the pubo-coccygeal muscles (PC muscles of the famous Kegel exercises), nor does it require strength in the levator ani muscles.
More correctly it requires awareness, conscious relaxation of the region, the removal of impurities, irritants, toxins, and energy blocks in the region – a balanced tonification in the nerves of the area, and a gentle energetic initiation of a movement in the direction explained in more detail below.
In the latter regard, the coarse, gross, physical, and external practices of aswini mudra, vajroli mudra, and sthula basti may help at first, but this is so only that we become aware of the more subtle, less coarse, and inner energy dynamics that are involved – so that the energy can move through this area unimpeded and that the region is strong enough to withstand an increased energy flow such as is demanded in kundalini yoga – so it is truly balanced, functional and tonified.
In a real sense we are energizing and strengthening the nadis of the region as well as the neurophysiology, and only secondarily the organs, muscles, and glands of the region also become energized, powerful, and capable of vital and healthy support.
In addition to the classic preliminary exercises of aswini mudra and vajroli mudra, one utilizes acupuncture point at perineum by taking a clean finger and pressing the area directly in front of the anus and directly in back of the scrotum or lips of the vagina inward/upward.
A gentle massage of the area that invigorates the area while removing tension or lesions is recommended. See that there is no tension or tightness in this region. Learn to feel and sense this area fully and devoid of aversion or clinging.
From an early age these areas become associated with being unclean, unmentioned, and unconscious. Later on this same negative dissociation occurs with the genitals. So here we are also clearing out any childhood negative programming around the earth and water chakras.
Younger practitioners may feel temporary sexual stimulation; however it will be found that as the sexual tensions in the region are relaxed, the sexual aspect in regards to desiring an external release will actually be reversed. That occurs because the internal yin/yang, sun/moon, male/female, shiva/shakti, or ha/tha pranas are now balanced and integrated in sattva.
Hints: Let the energy lead the breath, let the breath lift the diaphragm, let the energy and breath suck in and up the abdomen, let the energy and breath then suck up the perineum.
- Mulabandha occurs at the bottom axis or central connection point of the body connecting and cupping the front and back, left and right, and bottom with top (through the connection with the spine).
- Mulabandha forms the stable support of the entire torso, spine, and physical body. It can provide traction on the spine.
- It forms the stable base for uddiyana bandha and vajroli mudra as well as the other asanas and is essential to traya bandha, which in turn is essential to effective pranayama practice.
- It forms the basis for mudra and long meditation sits by keeping the energy flowing in that region and taking any strain or tension away from the lumbar and SI joints and fascia.
- It activates Brahma granthi and allows us to enter Brahma Loka (or Nirmanakaya). It tonifies, purifies, balances, and energizes, the pelvic and urogenital region (see vajroli mudra for more specific results at the urogenital diaphragm).
If one tends toward constipation, constriction. tightness of the lower abdomen, hips, pelvis, legs, and lower limbs, then the perineal region may already be constricted and overly domed up already.
Since mulabandha balances the energy front and back, left/right, ida/pingala and allows flow to occur, sometimes in order for this activation to occur, the area needs to be relaxed and even drawn down slightly in order to balance and synchronize the apana (the downward energy) and prana (upward flowing energy).
Likewise hemorrhoids are a physical symptom caused by a disturbance/distortion or imbalanced tension of the apana and prana in the muladhara region which in turn may be aggravated by harsh, spicy, coarse, and irritating foods as well as by harsh, lustful, and irritating thoughts forming the precursory energetic vectors, which influence the physical characteristics in the region, as regards to disease or its remediation.
Acupuncture points are remedies for many complaints. So in this case, mulabandha is applied to alleviate the dis-ease, distress, and ill-feelings in the muladhara, while increasing flow, well being, ease, balance, harmony, and synchronicity.
When the pelvis is perfectly balanced and there is no strain in the spine or the groins, mulabandha can occur spontaneously through shakti’s grace and/or one can consciously utilize it as a means of embracing her.
Hey, I activated Kandalani at a distance from a master. After waking up the Kundalini, he turned on my solar plexus chakra. Now what I should to do to enhance this energy to bring up upper chakras. Now I feel sensation, heat, and energy in my root chakra.