The Heart is the final centre

The Heart is the final centre

Question : How to churn up the nadis [psychic nerves] so that the kundalini may go up the sushumna? Ramana Maharshi : Though the yogi may have his methods of breath control for this object, the jnani’s method is only that of enquiry. When by this method the mind...
Siddha Yoga – Maha Yoga

Siddha Yoga – Maha Yoga

The Siddha Yoga means Shaktipata Yoga: Transmission of Power Following the (Maha Vakya) Great statements of the Vedas when a human being experiences communion with God (Brahma), it is called ‘Knowledge’. By the grace of God and by the favorable glance of...
Pratybhijna Hridayam  

Pratybhijna Hridayam  

The Essence of Self-Realization This short work of only 20 aphorisms contains the essence of Self-realization. It is a small but very important work in Kashmir Shaivism. It was written by Ksemaraja in the tenth century. 1) The Shakti of the Absolute Self (Chiti) in...