by Rohanji | Apr 7, 2020 | Awakening, Physiology & Evolution, Symptoms & Phenomenon
The heart is the primary organ in the body, even prior to the brain. It is the first to form in a human embryo. The organism is developed and spirals out into manifestation within the toroidal field of the heart. The ElectroMagnetic field of the heart is larger than...
by Rohanji | Apr 7, 2020 | Awakening
CONSCIOUSNESS & FRACTAL REOCCURRING PATTERNS 1 1 1 1 , 1 2 1 2 , 2 2 2 2 , 0 0 0 0 The entire creation principle is a complex mathematical algorithm , repeating itself at all scales, from microcosmos to macrocosmos forming self similar fractals. Our brains have a...
by Rohanji | Apr 7, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
KUNDALINI PATH COMPLETION & EXPERIENCE WITHIN THE BI-TOROIDAL FIELD CREATED. The helical path of Kundalini up the spine is opened, having undergone much clearance and unfolding of peripheral as well as the main etheric channels, Ida & Pingala. The synchronised...
by Yaari | Mar 28, 2020 | Awakening, Shaktipat Initiation
Through anougraha (grace), Kriya-Shakti (active form of Shakti) is activated in the aspirant and only then does the pathway to Samandhi, the divine union, gets illuminated. ”The water of the lake is still and calm.The lake is co clear that one can even see its...
by Yaari | Mar 5, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment, Psyche & Awareness, Shaktipat Initiation, Tantra, Teachings & Philosophy, Tools & Techniques
STAGES OF AWAKENING 1) Prana usually flows in Ida or Pingala Our kundalini energy system is usually more active in either the left or right sides, which are the Ida and Pingala. Of the thousands of energy channels (nadis), three are most important: Ida, Pingala, and...
by Yaari | Mar 3, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
Question : How to churn up the nadis [psychic nerves] so that the kundalini may go up the sushumna? Ramana Maharshi : Though the yogi may have his methods of breath control for this object, the jnani’s method is only that of enquiry. When by this method the mind...