by Rohanji | Jan 4, 2020 | Awakening, Symptoms & Phenomenon
The spontaneously arising symptoms of kundalini awakening, also called Kriyas, vary according to the karmic predisposition of the initiate and their unique path of Yoga that the Kundalini chooses to operate from. Generally shakti blends different Yogic modes of...
by Rohanji | Jan 4, 2020 | Awakening, Sexuality & Relationships
The electric charge of kundalini increases significantly when the sexual fluids are channeled up the spine. Retention of hormonal fuel helps build up the required charge to ionise the spinal fluids in males. The energy release through ejaculation is a lower octave...
by Rohanji | Jan 3, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
In every human being there is a biological mechanism for enlightenment which is also responsible for the evolution of the species towards a higher consciousness. In eastern traditions it is known as Kundalini, a potential force that once awakened can produce a varity...
by Rohanji | Jan 1, 2020 | Awakening, Tools & Techniques
ENERGY CIRCULATION TECHNIQUES TO ACTIVATE KUNDALINI AND CLEAR KARMIC BLOCKS Kundalini shakti is the flux of Awareness and its flow can be directed through aligning with the will of this energy. The practice of this technique is based on shifting the focal point of...
by Rohanji | Dec 31, 2019 | Awakening, Physiology & Evolution, Tools & Techniques
Awakening the inner sun Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a complete Sadhana, inclusive of Asana, Mantra, Pranayama and Chakra meditation. Surya Namaskar was devised as a Yogic practice 7000 years ago, to facilitate lymph drainage in an amazing manner. This was...
by Rohanji | Dec 31, 2019 | Awakening, Culture & Society
TUMMO Tibetan Gtum-mo ; Sanskrit: caṇḍālī. Literally means the fierce goddess of heat and passion in Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Tummo is found in the Mahasiddha Krishnacarya and the Hevajra Tantra texts. Tummo (Tumo or Chandali yoga) also refers to a part of tantric...