by Vaani | Jul 11, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
Ideas such as the ones mentioned in previous blogs in this series (“Ascension is to embody the Higher Self”, “Enlightenment is to be peaceful”, or be rid of the Ego, “I am connected to Source”, “Channelling guidance”,...
by Vaani | Jul 10, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
MISCONCEPTIONS IN THE WAY OF ENLIGHTENMENT As an Indigo and Lightworker you may feel great being part of a group of souls incarnated on Earth during this time to help transition the planet to 5D, a higher level of consciousness, and into a New Earth reality. I sure...
by Vaani | Jul 9, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
MISCONCEPTIONS IN THE WAY OF ENLIGHTENMENT “Remembrance” within New Age circles is in deed thrilling, I know, I’ve been there, and it feels exciting because it offers you an opportunity to adopt a new intriguing identity, perhaps even being a reincarnation...
by Vaani | Jul 8, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
MISCONCEPTIONS IN THE WAY OF ENLIGHTENMENT I used to channel Green Tara, Mary Magdalene and other ascended masters and star beings. It was part of my journey and led me to rapid realisation, when I stopped and dismissed it all as not it. It was a shift into potent...
by Rohanji | Jul 1, 2020 | Awakening
NATURE OF REALITY Akasha or Luminiferous Aether is the quintesential element, the most subtle tattva, the primordial substance that inundates and constitutes the spacetime continuum. All the other tattvas (Fire-Tejas, Air-Vayu, Water-Apas and Earth-Prithvi) are...
by Vaani | Jun 29, 2020 | Awakening, Enlightenment
MISCONCEPTIONS IN THE WAY OF ENLIGHTENMENT At first you may think of it this way, as did I. In the play of creation, it may seem to be so, but if you long for Supreme Absolute Truth, put this idea on pause. You are much more than a soul having a human experience,...